This is a photo I took of Myself

Backstage portrait at a comedy storytelling show I shot recently.

Automotive photography for Simon's Shine Shop (Bucktown/Lincoln Park, Chicago)

Divino Niño at Square Roots 2023

White background photo for a protective coating designed for yachts.

Event flyer design.

Square Roots 2023

Event photography (Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at Auto Detailing Class)

Superchunk at Square Roots 2023

Automotive photography for Simon's Shine Shop.

YouTube thumbnail.

Engagement photo.

Graphic t-shirt design.

In-context product photography.

Product photography for car paint polishing pads.

Event photography.

YouTube thumbnail.

Event flyer.

YouTube thumbnail.

Classic book cover parody. (Firestarter)

Classic book cover parody. (The Sportswriter)

YouTube thumbnail.

Classic book cover parody. (Gravity's Rainbow)

YouTube thumbnail.

YouTube thumbnail.

Automotive photography for Simon's Shine Shop.

In-context product photography for protective automotive paint coating.

YouTube thumbnail.

In-context product photography.

YouTube thumbnail.

Event photography.

Classic book cover parody. (Slaughterhouse Five)

Automotive photography.

In-context product photography.

From a series of classic book cover parodies. (Waiting for Godot)

Event photography for an auto detailing class.

YouTube thumbnail.

Graphic t-shirt design.

From a series of classic book cover parodies. (Blood Meridian)

Graphic t-shirt design.